Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Southern Mediterranean Cooking

Monday night I went to the Edensia Cookbook Review at the Barnes and Noble near my house. My daughter is working in Minneapolis this week and she went with me. We both liked the caponata they served although it is different from mine. It had raisins which added a sweet note.

Edensia cookbook review was started by Kim Ode, a food writer for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Monday's topic was the Mediterranean Diet. One of the presenters was Brenda Langton, a local restaurant owner and chef who is known for her committment to local, fresh and organic foods and healthy eating. She founded the Mill City Farmer's Market ( She reviewed "Arabesque" by Claudia Roden and loved the book. Randi Roth who has been cooking southern Mediterranean foods (mostly with Paula Wlofert's books) and using a tagine ( also talked about how basic and simple this diet is. I'm now going to try charmoula, a Morrocan sauce and marinade, on fish- maybe halibut now that it's back in season and learn more about this cuisine. Check back for the recipe!

Oh, yes. Next month's discussion is on baking basics. Of course I'm going to talk about "Baking Basics and Beyond" but thought I'd also review "Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook". Her style is much more elaborate than mine and not very basic. Although the books are ususally shelved together, she's not my competition! It's April 28 at 7 P.M. at the Barnes & Noble in the Galleria, Edina.

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